In the third installment in the Horses and Friends series, thirteen-year-old Kate Ferris already has one problem. Snooty, well-to-do Melissa is boarding her hor
Revenge rides a dark horse—and Nancy’s the target! Nancy is going to visit one of her best friends, Colleen, who is horse crazy and has her own horses. With
Some equestrians are up to more than horseplay in this third book of the Nancy Drew Diaries, a fresh approach to a classic series. At the prestigious—and comp
While Ben and his sister, Emma, are exploring the salt marsh of Quicksand Bay, they make a sickening discovery and find a badly injured Marsh Hawk. They are abo
“A colorful, action-packed tale filled with sinister doings and plenty of good old-fashioned heroics . . . An entertaining ride” set in colonial times (Crim