Annotation. Researchers and graduate students in the theory of stochastic processes will find in this 35th volume some thirty articles on martingale theory, mar
The 36th Sminaire de Probabilits contains an advanced course on Logarithmic Sobolev Inequalities by A. Guionnet and B. Zegarlinski, as well as two shorter surve
The 37th Séminaire de Probabilités contains A. Lejay's advanced course which is a pedagogical introduction to works by T. Lyons and others on stochastic integ
This milestone 50th volume of the "Séminaire de Probabilités" pays tribute with a series of memorial texts to one of its former editors, Jacques Azéma, who p
This is a new volume of the Séminaire de Probabilités which is now in its 43rd year. Following the tradition, this volume contains about 20 original research