We kick off this issue with A. B. Robinson’s amazing “Sonnet Crown for Third Officer Ripley.” Then there are stories of beasties and strange places and st
May: gone. June: gone. July: moving fast. Here are gods, snakes, death, and demons. On the lighter, crunchier side: carrots and apples. Twice a year this zine s
There are no ghostly bumps in the night, no loud noises, no cheap shot surprises to knock you out your seat. Instead: stories and poetry — so much excellent p
Three million years from now a thought form called oufaobf will randomly coalesce into LCRW 35 at the same time as 1.2 million monkeys type it out. Which means
Unexpected tales of the fantastic, & other odd musings by Nalo Hopkinson, Karen Joy Fowler, Karen Russell, Jeffrey Ford, and many others Contains stories by the