Earth and Gods is an attempt to introduce the reader to Heidegger's fully developed philosophy. The title Earth and Gods gives an im pression of not being a gen
When the night of the twelfth aeon fell, And silence, the high tide of night, swallowed the hills, The three earth-born gods, the Master Titans of life, Appeare
God’s Good Earth offers Christians and their communities an engaging resource for prayer, reflection, and worship that reflects and nourishes their efforts to
God's world was created "very good," Genesis chapter 1 tells us, and in this book Jon Garvey rediscovers the truth, known to the Church for its first 1,500 year
In this, our second volume of Witkin's photographs, the work is as controversial as ever. In often torturous or eroticized still lifes and tableaux, cadavers, p