The Najdorf Sicilian has a unique place amongst chess openings: for several decades it has been regarded by the top grandmasters as the best way for Black to pl
The Sicilian Najdorf is one of Black's best and most combative responses to 1.e4. The Najdorf was championed by Fischer and Kasparov during their respective per
The Najdorf Variation of the Sicilian Defence continues to be extremely popular. Advocated by great fighting champions like Garry Kasparov and Bobby Fischer, th
The Najdorf Sicilian is one of Black’s most respected and popular responses to 1 e4. It was favoured by those two titans of the game, Bobby Fischer and Garry
The book you hold is the first work of GM Sethuraman and contains his efforts to find new paths and fresh perspectives on these two variations of these famous S