A classic fairy tale with a new twist, the Beauty and the Beast saga start with Depravity...Sixteen year old Benella is concerned with two things-avoiding the t
"The surprises keep coming in La Salle's twisting debut thriller, in which good and evil aren't always black and white."—Kirkus Reviews, Starred Review 30 yea
Giles Warrington Hale, Marquess of Ashcroft, was born to do two things. Paint and rut. But lately, nobody but Miss Patience Emery has inspired him. The moment h
In the world of dating and hook-ups, women know that there are no guarantees and there's not always a "happily ever after" -- but there is a hell of a lot of fu
I was born an ordinary girl with a tiny seed of sickness.As I got older it grew bigger, manifesting into something sinister.Mama told me to lock it away and let