Inhalt Tette Hofstra: A.D. Kylstra 1920-2010 Elena Afros: Gothic Relative Clauses Introduced by izei and sei revisited Guus Kroonen: Færoese ta and its relevan
Inhalt Paul Peterson: An Old Problem in Etymology Revisited: The Origin of Germanic Nouns with the Suffix ¿ster Roland Schuhmann: Eine Miszelle zum Giessener g
InhaltFrederik Kortlandt: The Origin of the Vestjysk St(c)dHarry Perridon: How old is the Vestjysk St(c)dWolfgang Beck: Neues zur Runeninschrift auf dem Goldbra
Lists articles, notes, and similar literature on medieval subjects in journals, Festschriften, conference proceedings, and collected essays. Covers all aspects